10 More Horror Movie Moments More Terrifying When You Know The Truth

6. Rachel Weisz Wasn't Acting In That Bathtub - Constantine

Wes Craven's New Nightmare
Warner Bros.

Another case of an actor not being required to do very much performing at all during a scene, Rachel Weisz went through quite the ordeal in a bathtub for Francis Lawrence's superhero horror picture Constantine.

There's a moment in the movie when Angela Dodson re-awakens her powers by going through a near-death experience. Said experience? Nearly drowning to death in a tub.

The scene required Keanu Reeves to actually submerge his co-star, with the scene only getting more and more intense and disturbing as Constantine continues to refuse to let her out of the water.

Now, it is worth noting that Weisz and Reeves did have a signal for when things were going too far - the former tapping the latter on the arm three times. And if that was a bit tough to spot amidst all that flailing and chaos, Weisz would also tell Tribute that the pair were very much in tune and that she knew Reeves would sense when it was time to pull her out.

But that doesn't change the fact that she also admitted in that same interview that the whole thing was "really scary" before adding:

"Keanu was holding me down by the neck, I was thrashing about in the bath, and I guess there's a moment where you're not acting anymore. You're thinking, 'I really gotta get out of this bath, otherwise I'm going to die.'"

Weisz may have fully trusted Reeves here, but it's still hard to rewatch this scene now without feeling any additional dread at the thought of the actor genuinely fearing for her life underwater - even if only for a moment.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...