10 MORE Horror Movie Scenes You Didn’t Realise Were Tricking You

9. The Bullet Hole In Rhodes' Shirt - Identity

Trick r Treat

Identity opens with Malcolm Rivers, a serial killer with dissociative identity disorder, awaiting his execution. His psychiatrist, Dr Malick, suspects only one of Malcolm's personalities has evil tendencies, meaning he should be harmless if that identity is eliminated.

While awaiting the final verdict, Malcolm creates a scenario in his head where all his personalities are trapped in a motel. When people start dying, the group realise there's a wolf in the fold. Since one of the occupants, Maine, is a convicted psychopath, he becomes the primary suspect.

However, suspicions shift towards Rhodes, the officer who transported Maine, when a bloody bullet hole is revealed on the back of his shirt.

Sure enough, Rhodes is eventually exposed as Maine's secret partner-in-crime. After shooting his correctional officer dead, Rhodes stole his uniform to pass himself off as a cop. When Rhodes attacks the others, there's no doubt he's Malcolm's killer personality.

But in the movie's final moments, the seemingly innocent kid, Timmy, is exposed as Malcolm's murderous alter, moments before he slaughters Dr. Malick.

In hindsight, it was clever to throw two extra killers into the mix, to mislead the audience from identifying the true culprit.

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