10 More Horror Movie Transformations Nobody Saw Coming

9. Madison Mitchell - Malignant

Malignant Jail
Warner Bros. Pictures

In terms of modern-day reveals and, in this case, transformations, few were as shocking and out of left-field as that revelation in James Wan's Malignant.

Here, Annabelle Wallis' Madison finds herself in the middle of a disturbing mystery, as she has visions of various people being killed; visions that chillingly come true. Before long, it becomes apparent that the perplexing, shady figure known only as Gabriel is behind these murders, and the hunt is on to track down this brutal beast who seems to have a unique connection to Madison.

Of course, that 'unique connection' would eventually show how Gabriel is Madison's parasitic brother who was largely removed from his sister - though part of him remains in the back of her skull.

That reveal comes to the fore when the locked-up Madison is attacked by some fellow prisoners, with Gabriel literally bursting out of the back of Madison's head and launching a brutal, bloody assault on those sharing a cell with Wallis' character.

With that, Malignant served up an all-timer of a reveal and a true all-timer of a transformation.

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Senior Writer

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