10 More Horror Movie Transformations Nobody Saw Coming

8. Evil Ed - Fright Night (1985)

Malignant Jail
Columbia Pictures

Tom Holland's Fright Night is an utter gem of the 1980s, managing to mix a sense of fun with a sense of genuine dread as young Charley Brewster believes that his new neighbour Jerry is a vampire. Of course, Charley is 100% correct, but he has a tough job convincing anyone of this theory, including supposed vampire hunter Peter Vincent.

As part of this adventure, Brewster's best pal Evil Ed falls under the powers of Jerry, being turned into a vampire and set upon Vincent. While a first battle with a Peter Vincent who was revealed to be a sham and a fraud ends with Ed scarred by a crucifix on his forehead, a return bout between the pair results in a major shocker.

That battle finds Vincent attacked by a snarling wolf in Charley's home, and a first-floor scuffle between the two ends with the animal stabbed by a table leg and thrown to his death on the ground floor of the house. And it's here where this shocking transformation takes place, as it's revealed that the wolf was Evil Ed. While surprise transformations usually see a 'normal' person transformed into something else, this was a shocker for how the process was somewhat reversed, as we see Ed go through various forms as he reverts to his human guise.

Fright Night famously features one or two more impressively notable transformations - mainly Charley's girlfriend Amy, and Jerry's full vampiric form - but Evil Ed's is certainly the most shocking change.

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