10 More Horror Movie Twists That Were Hiding In Plain Sight

9. Ghostland

Last Night In Soho
Radar Films

Pascal Laugier's Ghostland opens like a home invasion story, with two serial killers breaking into a house that was recently inherited by Colleen and her daughters, Beth and Vera. However, the invaders are disposed of early on, giving the impression the film is going to be a survivor saga.

16 years later, it's apparent the incident has had a significant effect on both sisters. Beth used the traumatic experience as a practical driving force, inspiring her to become a prolific horror writer. Tragically, Vera has gone insane, certain she's still held prisoner in her home by the invaders.

Ghostland flips everything on its head when it's unveiled that Vera's delusion... isn't a delusion. In reality, the killers murdered Colleen and kept the children imprisoned in the house for years. 

As a means of coping, Beth invented a dream-like scenario where she found fame and fortune. Also, Beth mentions early on that she dreams of becoming a successful author, so it would make sense that her fantasy would involve her achieving her greatest desire.

Despite the fact Vera's ramblings initially sounded like gibberish, it's clear on a second viewing that Beth was the one living in denial.

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