10 More Horror Movie Twists That Were Hiding In Plain Sight

8. Split

Last Night In Soho
Buena Vista & Universal

After churning out a string of duds, M. Night Shyamalan's Split was considered a return to form for the renowned director. The mind-bending thriller opens with Casey and her friends being kidnapped by Kevin, a man who suffers from dissociative identity disorder.

Although Split received a ton of praise - mainly for James McAvoy's scene-stealing performance - most of the buzz centred around that ending. Just when it seemed like everything was wrapping up, Bruce Willis' character from Unbreakable, David Dunn, pops up in the post-credits scene, proving the two stories take place in the same universe.

Interestingly, there was a subtle suggestion that Split and Unbreakable were intertwined. However, it's not in the movie itself, but the poster. The front cover of Split shows Kevin's face surrounded by cracked glass to symbolise his fractured psyche. But if placed beside Unbreakable's poster, the cracks in both images line up perfectly, indicating their connection with one another.

Although this detail is evident now, nobody could've deduced it at the time unless horror veterans were randomly lining up movie posters side-by-side to see if they were connected - which would be a weird hobby.

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