10 More Horror Movie Villains Who Actually Won

7. The Creeper - Jeepers Creepers

The Cleansing Hour
United Artists

Whilst The Creeper didn’t manage to kill off both of our main characters, this isn’t because of a failure on its part but instead because it just fancied the one of them. Trish and Darry were both there, cornered, for the taking - but The Creeper only wanted Darry. Trish was thus spared.

Although there wasn’t some sort of total wipeout, The Creeper certainly did cause some havoc and murder a lot of people. The bit that really counts though is that it managed to complete its ritual: it emerges every 23 years to eat people and harvest body parts. People were eaten, and Darry’s eyeballs were harvested - boom, mission complete.

Trish was even nice enough to offer herself up for The Creeper to take instead of her brother, but it had its heart set on Darry. It could’ve taken them both and had an even bigger win, but alas this win will suffice.


WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.