10 More Horror Movie Villains Who Actually Won
2. The Aliens - The Seed
Don’t you just hate it when your girls’ holiday is ruined by an incoming alien invasion? All these three gals wanted was to go out to the desert and have a nice, relaxing time watching a meteor shower in the unpolluted skies. It seems that that is too much to ask for these days.
After one alien falls from the sky into the yard, the girls are pretty naive about the whole thing. They assume it to be some sort of injured wild animal, giving it water and general kindness - and in return it hypnotises and infects them.
It’s all downhill from the moment one of them pities the thing and brings it inside, exposing them all to its wily ways. In the end two of the girls meet their maker via the alien’s poisonous, black goo infection, and the third has to watch in horror as hundreds of meteors fall from the sky, seemingly containing more aliens within them.
Her friends are dead, she is stranded in the desert and the alien apocalypse is descending. Not exactly the peaceful minibreak she had in mind, I’m sure.