10 More Horror Movie Villains Who Actually Won

1. Death - Final Destination 3

Eden Lake
New Line Cinema

For an all-powerful cosmic force, Death sure takes its sweet time to get a win in the Final Destination series.

The entire premise of the movies - in which a vision leads people to survive what would have been a fatal accident - is the Grim Reaper playing catch-up.

It stalks those who have cheated it, finishing them off in increasingly gruesome ways. However, neither of the first two movies end with all of the survivors dead.

That changes with number three.

After surviving a plethora of attempts to claim their lives, survivors Wendy, Julie, and Kevin all reunite on a subway train. Unfortunately, this is not a welcome sight for Wendy, who realises that Death finally has them all in the same place.

The film ends with the train about to crash, leaving the characters' fates unknown. However, producer Craig Perry himself has stated that he thinks they all died, so let's just assume that's what happened.

Should we be upset by this? It's hard to say. Death is a natural process and all it was doing was reclaiming souls it was owed in the first place.

Is this a happy ending? Probably as close as you're going to get from this list...

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.