10 More Horror Movie Villains Who Actually Won

7. The Soldiers - Chernobyl Diaries

Eden Lake
Warner Bros. Pictures

Dark tourism is a very real phenomenon where people take pleasure in travelling to locations associated with famous tragedies.

Hiroshima, Ground Zero, Newcastle on a Friday night, all of these dark places have become tourist hotspots.

This idea is skewered in the 2012 horror Chernobyl Diaries. A group of American travellers sneak past some soldiers guarding the abandoned nuclear facility that is now synonymous with the infamous 1986 disaster.

Once inside, the clueless thrillseekers discover more than just the ruins of the plant. The entire area has been overrun with bloodthirsty mutants, and their little jaunt has now become a fight for survival.

Only one of the Americans lives through the mutant attack. Amanda wakes up in a hospital, where she is told by the doctors that the creatures that killed her friends are actually former patients at the facility.

Amanda thinks she's gotten away with it, until more soldiers arrive and say that she "knows too much". She is then fed to the mutants, ensuring that the military's secret remains a secret.

It's the government, man! It's always the government!

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.