10 More Horror Movie Villains Who Actually Won

6. Charlie Grimille - The Gallows

Eden Lake
Warner Bros. Pictures

The Gallows kicks off like any good horror should - with a student accidentally hanging themselves during a high school play!

Twenty years after this unfortunate accident, the same school decides to put on a new version of the same play. Yeah, that's a good idea! Don't see anything that could go wrong with that!

When a group of kids sneak onto the set after school, they are haunted by the spirit of Charlie Grimille, the kid who got hanged. Dressed as The Hangman (a character from the play), Charlie hunts down the trespassing teens until only Reese and Pfeifer are left.

Reese, as it turns out, is the son of the actor who Charlie was understudying for the night he died. So not only is he a ghost, he's a ghost with a grudge.

They attempt to act out the tragic scene in order to satisfy Charlie, but whilst Reese is hanged to death, Pfeifer escapes. Why? Because she's the daughter of Charlie and his girlfriend and she's in on the whole thing! Of course!

All the kids are dead, the Grimilles are reunited, and Charlie has his revenge.

A happy ending then... for the murderous ghost family.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.