10 MORE Horror Movie Villains Who Broke Their Own Rules

1. The Yaoguai - Wish Upon

Resident Evil The Final Chapter Red Queen
Orion Pictures

Alright, this is a borderline "you should've read the fine print" entry, but all the same, Wish Upon's demonic spirit known as the Yaoguai really wasn't playing fair with poor, doomed Clare (Joey King).

Clare is given a music box at the start of the movie which will grant her five wishes, but in the vein of the Monkey's Paw, of course every wish is taken in the most literal, uncharitable context possible.

Clare eventually learns that the Yaoguai will claim her soul after she makes the seventh wish, and so in an understandable attempt to avoid this, she makes her final wish to go back to the morning that her father gave her the box.

The wish is granted, Clare tracks down the box before her pa, and seemingly prevents all the catastrophes that have happened throughout the film, but she can't save herself. In the unintentionally comical twist ending, Clare is suddenly hit by a car and killed, allowing the Yaoguai to claim her soul as intended.

This is basically a case of the spirit abusing a loophole to punish anyone who tries to pull a gambit like asking for more wishes or, in Clare's case, avoid being claimed altogether. 

In the very least, it's incredibly unsporting of the demon, if not outright twisting the rules of the bargain, but then again, it is a demon.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.