10 MORE Horror Movie Villains Who Broke Their Own Rules

2. Amanda - Saw III

Resident Evil The Final Chapter Red Queen
Twisted Pictures

Much has been written online about how much of a flaming hypocrite Saw's villain John Kramer (Tobin Bell) is. 

The dude claims he never kills anyone but simply tests their survival instinct, and yet, he's built countless traps that didn't give his "test subjects" a fair chance of escape at all. And then there's Amanda Young (Shawnee Smith), who despite being revealed as Jigsaw's doting apprentice at the end of Saw II, already starts betraying his methodology by the start of Saw III.

Several characters in the film are shown to have had rigged games with no possibility of survival, as are eventually revealed to be Amanda's doing, having lost faith in Jigsaw's philosophy and preferring instead to punish their victims.

Now, in fairness, the rules were created by Jigsaw, but as his apprentice, Amanda was certainly expected to adopt them as her own, and for a time she seemingly did. Still, she couldn't even stick to the script for one more movie, and as it turns out, Jigsaw anticipated this - he was testing Amanda's capacity to continue his legacy the entire time, resulting in her demise at the film's end.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.