10 More Horror Movie Villains Who Encountered Something Worse

2. Captain Rhodes - Day of the Dead

Day of the Dead
United Film Distribution Company

George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead series loves to foreground the atrocities committed by human beings above all else, and that's perhaps no truer than in Day of the Dead, where the survivors are left at the mercy of the unstable, paranoia-stricken Captain Rhodes (Joseph Pilato).

Rhodes' dictatorial attitude only further worsens the already strained relations between the soldiers and scientists holed up together in the underground bunker, and by film's end, it's safe to say that his violently psychopathic ways end up causing a ton of death.

And so, it's tough not to relish Rhodes' well-earned demise, where after leaving his own to die once the undead swarm the bunker, he's shot in the stomach by "friendly" zombie Bub (Sherman Howard) and then brutally torn apart by the nearby horde.

Rhodes proved himself to be totally outfoxed when it came to Bub and the zombies, and given that Bub sarcastically salutes him in his dying moments, he sure as hell knew it too.

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