10 More Horror Movie Villains Who Encountered Something Worse

3. Albert Wesker - Resident Evil: The Final Chapter

Day of the Dead
Sony Pictures Releasing

Though the penultimate Resident Evil film concluded with Alice (Milla Jovovich) reluctantly teaming up with franchise villain Albert Wesker (Sean Roberts) to take down Umbrella's malevolent AI the Red Queen, that was all basically tossed out in sequel The Final Chapter.

Here, we learn that Wesker was basically telling porky pies about the Red Queen and swiftly betrays Alice, prompting the Red Queen to instead align with Alice to infiltrate Umbrella and save what remains of humanity.

In the climax, Wesker believes himself unable to be harmed by the Red Queen because he's a member of Umbrella's payroll. 

However, Umbrella co-owner Alicia Marcus (also Milla Jovovich) swiftly fires him, at which point the Red Queen is no longer unable to harm him because he's now an ex-Umbrella employee.

And so, in a matter of seconds, she catches Wesker off-guard, crushing him with a giant door. Alice then leaves a deadman's switch connected to a series of bombs in his hand, ensuring that when he bleeds out, the bombs detonate, obliterating his remains.

You probably should've seen that one coming, Alby.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.