10 More Horror Movie Villains Who Encountered Something Worse

6. The Hijackers - Blood Red Sky

Willy's Wonderland Nicolas Cage

Blood Red Sky offers up a pretty unique spin on the well-worn plane hijacking thriller by having the hijackers come to realise they're facing off against a damn vampire.

Shortly after a plane to New York takes off, a group of terrorists led by Berg (Dominic Purcell) seize control of the aircraft and reveal they're holding it at ransom.

The hijackers weren't expecting much in the way of opposition from the plane's terrified passengers, but in a brilliant twist, they didn't count on one of them, Nadja (Peri Baumeister), being a vampire.

At the start of the film the audience is led to believe that Nadja is afflicted with leukemia, but the mid-film rug-pull reveals she's actually been concealing her vampirism, after which she starts going full ham on the hijackers, Air Force One-style - but, er, with more blood-sucking.

Naturally, it's not quite what the terrorists had in mind.

Ultimately all hell breaks loose, with one of the hijackers even willingly becoming a vampire himself and turning comrades and passengers alike into fellow vamps.

In the end, only Nadja's son and another passenger survive the entire ordeal - a far cry from what the terrorists surely assumed would be a pretty smooth-and-easy, meticulously planned-out hijacking.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.