10 More Horror Movie Villains Who Encountered Something Worse

5. Dr. Phillip Decker - Nightbreed

Willy's Wonderland Nicolas Cage

Clive Barker's utterly singular horror film Nightbreed follows a mentally unstable man, Aaron Boone (Craig Sheffer), who is convinced by his psychotherapist Dr. Phillip Decker (David Cronenberg) that he's a serial killer, despite Decker himself actually being the culprit.

Decker compels Boone to turn himself in for the crimes, but before he can, he receives directions to the underground city of Midian, where he encounters the titular Nightbreed - a community of supernatural creatures and oddballs.

After leaving Midian, an at-large Boone is shot dead by the police, but because Boone was bitten by one of the Nightbreed before this, he ends up reanimated, allowing him to return to Midian and be formally initiated as a member of the Nightbreed.

Basically, Decker's plan to frame somebody else for his murders goes hilariously wrong, putting him in the path of the titular monsters he loathes so much.

In the end, Decker has the ultimate indignity forced upon him. After being killed by Boone, he's resurrected as a Nightbreed himself by the unhinged Father Ashberry (Malcolm Smith). He became the very thing he hated.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.