10 More Horror Movies Everyone Wished Were Way Crazier

8. The Open House

The Happening Mark Wahlberg

Instead of being a horror movie about the property market (which sounds absolutely terrifying), The Open House is a Netflix-exclusive horror from 2018 about a young widow who agrees to move into her sister's secluded holiday home until it can be sold.

Creepy house in the middle of nowhere occupied by a woman who's just experienced bereavement? What could possibly go wrong...

Predictably, things go poorly for the widow and her son when they become the target of a serial killer who specifically targets open house events. His identity is never revealed, so how does the movie refer to such an frightening figure?

The Evil Boots. Right.

As well as the main villain being defined by his shoes, the film also suffers from being cliched as all hell. The slowburn towards the reveal is so formulaic that it needed something spectacular to be worth it. Unfortunately, all audiences got were a pair of killer Wellies.

Whilst it could have been even more cliched by going down the supernatural route, maybe a few ghouls and ghosts was exactly what this decidedly run-of-the-mill outing needed.

Don't bother putting in an offer on this one.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.