10 More Horror Movies Everyone Wished Were Way Crazier

7. The Beast Must Die

The Happening Mark Wahlberg
Amicus Productions

The annoying thing about The Beast Must Die is that it had the potential to be really interesting.

A millionaire gathers six apparently ordinary people to his countryside mansion, only to boldly announce that he suspects one of his guests is a werewolf. Strange, but at least it's a good conversation starter.

This 1974 flick is mainly known for the so-called "Werewolf Break" towards the end, where audiences are invited to pause for 30 seconds and announce who they think the secret beast is. A novel approach, albeit one that didn't catch on at all, but it's just a shame the rest of the film couldn't match up to this level of weird.

Before the Werewolf Break, The Beast Must Die is nothing special; a plodding, uninteresting whodunnit with some supernatural elements sprinkled in to keep things from getting really stale. Not even appearances from Peter Cushing and Michael Gambon keep it from being a bore, as by the time the Break comes around, most people will have likely nodded off.

What's worse is there's a cut of this movie that removes the Werewolf Break, aka the only interesting thing about it.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.