10 More Horror Movies That Cleverly START With Huge Twists

When horror movies get the biggest surprise out the way first.

28 Weeks Later Opening
20th Century Studios

It's incredibly common for horror movies to end with a game-changing twist that completely upends everything we know about the story and, ideally, does so for the better.

It's comparatively rare for the genre - or movies as a whole, really - to get their big twist out of the way first, because after tricking the audience once, it becomes much tougher to get away with it again later on.

And yet, these 10 bold horror movies all decided to blindside the audience with an early twist that pulled them kicking and screaming out of their comfort zone.

These twists all took a long, hard look at genre conventions and decided they wanted do something else.

And so as a sequel to our recent article on the very subject, here are 10 more horror movies that cleverly start with huge plot twists.

These movies may be far from perfect, and their twists perhaps didn't work for everyone, but they certainly deserve a ton of credit in terms of smarts and sheer ballsiness.

So here's to you, the movies that dared to stun viewers upfront and leave them positively shook for the remainder...

10. Feast

28 Weeks Later Opening

You've gotta hand it to any horror movie that throws convention to the wind in its opening moments, and that's certainly true of 2005's cult classic Feast.

In one of the film's opening scenes, a man (Eric Dane) covered in blood bursts into a bar, before a title card swiftly introduces him merely as "Hero," cites his occupation as "kicking ass" and his life expectancy as "pretty f**king good."

Hero warns the patrons of the bar to do exactly what he says if they want to survive, and when they ignore him, he pulls out the severed head of a monstrous creature to make his point clearer.

As Hero starts commanding the bar's now-listening customers to start barricading the joint, they ask who he is, and he simply retorts in gruffly badass fashion, "I'm the guy that's gonna save your ass."

No more than a second later, however, the window behind him is smashed by one of the creatures, which grabs hold of the Hero and promptly decapitates him. Now that's a way to start a horror movie.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.