10 More Horror Movies That Got Banned From Certain Countries

8. Hostel: Part II - Germany

The Devils
Screen Gems

Due to its explicit content, Eli Roth's Hostel popularised the term "torture-portn" months before it hit theatres. Since this wince-inducing horror contains scenes of snipped eyeballs, blowtorched faces, and drilled kneecaps, it's easy to see why.

Little did horror fans know Roth was saving the real nasty stuff for the sequel. Although Hostel: Part II has a slew of revolting imagery, there's a particular scene that had everyone up in arms.

Around the halfway point, the sadomasochistic Mrs. Bathory kidnaps one of the characters, Lorna, dragging her to a secluded room. When Lorna awakens, she finds herself gagged and naked, while hanging upside down. Using a scythe, Mrs. Bathory slices off chunks of Lorna's back, stomach, and neck, while showering in her blood.

In most countries, this scene (among others) was heavily censored before the film was distributed. However, Germany took things to the extreme. The censorship board there found this scene to be so disturbing, it was cut entirely, including on the so-called Extended Version. Eventually, a Munich court decided this restriction wasn't good enough, and had all versions of Hostel: Part II banned.

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The Devils
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