10 More Horror Movies That Got Banned From Certain Countries

7. Mikey - United Kingdom

The Devils
Tapestry Films

There are plenty of horror flicks that deal with the concept of a killer kid. The Omen. The Good Son. The Village of the Damned. And then, there's Dennis Demister's Mikey. 

That creepy thriller centres around an orphaned boy who's taken in by a foster family. Over time, his new mother and father discover Mikey slaughtered his original family, and intends to do the same to them.

It's understandable why Mikey should have provoked a controversy, since it depicts a nine-year-old burning his victims alive, drowning them, stabbing them with glass shards, and electrocuting them in the bathtub. And yet, Mikey secured a worldwide release, without causing much of a fuss.

However, there was one country that took umbrage with the film's subject matter: the United Kingdom. If Mikey was released earlier, there would've been no issue. However, Mikey was submitted to the British censorship board the same year two minors in Liverpool carried out a murder.

Believing the concept was too close to home, the censorship board consulted child psychologists and police officers to discuss the matter. After much deliberation, it was decided not to distribute Mikey in the UK.

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The Devils
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