10 More Horror Movies Where Evil Wins

5. Brightburn

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The James Gunn-penned superhero horror film Brightburn is centered around Brandon Breyer (Jackson A. Dunn), a young extraterrestrial boy raised on Earth by a wholesome family. Sound familiar?

The difference to Superman, of course, is that Brandon uses his powers not for good but evil, as becomes inescapably clear in Brightburn's savage climax.

After his terrified adoptive mother Tori (Elizabeth Banks) attempts to kill him, he flies her thousands of feet into the sky and drops her to her death. Because that's not a decisive enough victory, Brandon also crashes an airplane into the family's farmhouse, destroying all evidence of his rampage and also the spaceship which brought him to Earth.

To go one step further, the final scene reveals that Brandon has basically become an unstoppable Evil Superman, who to make matters even worse has now teamed up with his own Injustice League, if you like, to wreak havoc around the world unchallenged.

Much as this was quite the irresistible sequel hook, Brightburn's only-modest box office success likely stopped a sequel ever going into production.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.