10 More Horror Movies Where The Final Girl Was The Villain

1. Marie - High Tension

High Tension

High Tension is one of the notable examples of a final girl turning out to be the villain all along.

Said final girl is Marie, a young woman who is forced to deal with a crazed truck driver. The assailant kills several people and even kidnaps Alex, Marie's close friend. This forces our heroine to take charge to rescue her friend as she dukes it out with the killer and even overpowers him - managing to save the day despite overwhelming odds. But then, it is revealed that the truck driver is Marie herself.

She had created a persona through the man and has been responsible for all the acts of violence throughout the film. In love with Alex, she formed this identity and used it to dispatch anything and anyone that would come in between the two of them, such as Alex's parents.

In the end, the young woman is apprehended by the authorities and placed in a mental institution. Though High Tension's twist remains one of its memorable moments, many still debate whether the reveal is a great subversion or a cheap gimmick.

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