10 More Horror Movies Where The Final Girl Was The Villain

6. Anna - Jigsaw

High Tension

The Saw franchise returned in 2017 with the release of Jigsaw. The film featured a brand new set of survivors thrust into a deadly game devised by the titular serial killer.

Anna starts off with all the qualities you'd expect from a final girl. Brave, intelligent, and highly determined, she fits the mold of your intelligent Saw characters like Agent Strahm or Jill Tuck. But as the film's events unfold, we get to know the horrible truth regarding this supposed heroine.

The character is revealed to have killed her infant child during a flashback. We see Anna unable to deal with the baby's crying so she decides to smother her to death while her husband is asleep. She then gaslits her spouse into thinking he was responsible which pushed him to suicide.

If that's not bad enough, Anna never seems to feel any remorse for her actions.

She later shows her true colors to fellow survivor Ryan as she tries to kill him to secure her freedom. Unfortunately for her, her shotgun backfires and shoots her in the face, killing her in the process.

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Loves film, games, and music. Collects Predator figures from time to time and a huge Sonic fan.