10 More Horror Movies With The Most Shocking Monster Reveals

8. Bughuul - Sinister

Smile Monster
Summit Entertainment

Acclaimed by many fright fans as one of the scariest films ever made, it's hardly surprising that 2012's Sinister features an unforgettable monster reveal.

Scott Derrickson's supernatural horror follows Ethan Hawke's Elliot Oswalt - a true crime writer who moves his family into a home where the previous tenants were mysteriously murdered. Oswalt soon discovers a box of Super 8 videotapes in the attic - containing footage of various families being brutally done away with in a variety of creative ways.

Morbidly conscious that this development could revitalize his flagging writing career, Oswalt doggedly searches the footage for a glimpse of the individual responsible for these heinous crimes. As he watches a tape dubbed "Pool Party '66" - a delightful number featuring a family being drowned in a swimming pool - Oswalt suddenly sees a chilling reflection in the water.

A fearsome sight stares back at Elliot through the screen - a pale face framed with shoulder-length black hair, featuring dark slashes where the eyes and mouth should be. As Oswalt moves in for a closer look at this harrowing individual, his projector suddenly bursts into flames - apparently too terrified to continue producing an image of the mysterious figure.

It's an indescribably eerie reveal for the franchise's big bad Bughuul, effortlessly setting the stage for the terrifying events that follow in short order.

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Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.