10 More Horror Movies With The Worst Monster Reveal

8. Godzilla - Return Of Godzilla

Amityville 3D

Even though Godzilla was initially depicted as a terrifying force of nature, the sequels revised the city-destroying lizard into a loveable hero (who occasionally dances). Over time, Godzilla became a parody of his former self, encouraging Toho to devise a more serious instalment called The Return of Godzilla.

Although this entry was a decent attempt to reinvigorate the series, it failed miserably in the most important aspect; Godzilla himself. The cables in the dino's head malfunctioned, making it impossible for his eyes to face forward.

The crew were unable to fix this issue, so the animatronic was stuck with his eyes facing opposite directions for the entire production. Due to this distracting blunder, nearly every close-up of Godzilla had to be removed from the American version.

What makes this error more frustrating is how the other special effects are pretty impressive for the time, especially with the $6 million budget. The destruction of the city is top-notch, the 16ft-tall animatronic designed for Godzilla deserves high-praise, but every time the scene cuts to a shot of Godzilla's cross-eyed stare, it's tough not to erupt into laughter.

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