10 More Horror Movies With The Worst Monster Reveal

7. Queenie - Mother's Day

Amityville 3D
United Film Distribution Company

In Mother's Day, Trina, Abbey, and Jackie venture into the woods, where they're kidnapped by the deranged Mother and her inbred children.

At one point, Mother mentions how her deformed sister, Queenie, has survived in the forest for years by living off vermin. Since her sons have never seen Queenie, they wonder if their dear old Mother made her up. That seems to be the case, since the boys' alleged aunt doesn't make an appearance. That is, until the very end. 

After Mother and her boys are killed, Trina and Abbey breathe a sigh of relief, believing the nightmare is over. With little warning, Queenie leaps from the bushes and attacks the women, ending the movie on a freeze-frame.

And that's it. After being teased for over an hour, Queenie is only on-screen for a few seconds.

To be fair, Jason Voorhees was only glimpsed at in the original Friday the 13th, and still managed to be terrifying.

Queenie, on the other hand, is anything but scary. For the audience, it's annoying to wait so long for Queenie's reveal, and this is all they saw.

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