10 More Huge Actors You Didn’t Notice As Extras In Movies

8. Gerard Butler - Tomorrow Never Dies

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It's pretty common for up-and-coming actors to cut their teeth playing bit-parts in James Bond films, whether as villains or basically throwaway minor characters.

The latter was ultimately the case for Gerard Butler, who makes an incredibly difficult-to-spot appearance in Pierce Brosnan's second outing as James Bond, Tomorrow Never Dies, in just his second-ever movie part.

During the early sequence where the frigate HMS Devonshire is sunk, Butler appears on screen for a few shadowy seconds as a member of the crew reporting on the dire status of the ship.

Yet given that Butler is both concealed by low lighting and speaks in his native Scottish twang - counter to the usual transatlantic accent he sports in movies these days - he's incredibly easy to miss.

In fact, without cranking the brightness up on your display, you'll have a hard time making out his facial features at all.

Somewhat ironically, Butler was later in contention to play 007 himself in 2006's Casino Royale reboot, though of course that never came to fruition.

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Tobey Maguire
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.