10 More Huge Actors You Didn’t Notice As Extras In Movies

2. Tobey Maguire - The Wizard

The Wizard Tobey Maguire.jpg

1989's family comedy The Wizard is surely best remembered for being a glorified commercial for both the Nintendo Power Glove and Super Mario Bros. 3.

It's an unhinged enough piece of work that the presence of a mullet-sporting, 13-year-old Tobey Maguire in his first ever movie role seems positively ordinary, and is therefore quite often overlooked.

Maguire appears on-screen for about 20 seconds just after the finalists for the Video Armageddon tournament are announced.

He's visible on the far left of the movie's infamous antagonist, Lucas (Jackey Vinson), wearing a pink shirt and rocking the aforementioned mullet.

Credited as "Lucas' Goon at Video Armageddon," it's a wordless role where he merely stands around with Lucas' gang and mugs a little, but the face is still very recognisably Maguire's.

Except, who among us sat down to watch The Wizard and ever expected to see young Peter Parker? If you're not looking for him, it isn't surprising that you'd never spot him.

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Tobey Maguire
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.