10 More Huge Actors You Didn’t Notice As Extras In Movies

1. Elisabeth Moss - The Last Supper

The Wizard Tobey Maguire.jpg
Sony Pictures Releasing

The 1995 cult black comedy The Last Supper features a fleeting appearance by a 14-year-old Elisabeth Moss. And when we say fleeting, we mean it.

Though Moss had actually had walk-on roles in over 20 projects prior to this film, she makes a rather odd appearance in the ensemble satire by appearing on a piece of paper... and that's it.

Moss plays a missing girl, Jenny Tyler, whose face is visible on missing posters throughout the film, though never actually physically appears in the movie itself.

Between Moss' youth and the film rarely giving us an up-close glimpse of the poster itself, this is a really, really tough one to spot. Despite having such a nothingburger of a role, though, she was formally credited for the part in the end credits.

It's a strange enough appearance to almost make one believe Moss filmed a small physical role that was cut during post-production, not that anybody with the film has ever stated as such.

Either way, if you managed to squint and notice Moss on that missing poster for yourself, bravo.

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