10 More Huge Movies That Were Instantly Forgotten

1. Independence Day: Resurgence

Men In Black International

Independence Day fans spent 20 years begging Warner Bros. to produce a sequel, but once it finally turned up in 2016, the near-universal sentiment was, "Not like this."

Despite being a follow-up to one of the most iconic and successful blockbusters of all time, Independence Day: Resurgence did mediocre business in cinemas and then near-instantly vanished, as though it were merely a hazy, shared dream.

"Iconic" is a descriptor one could never apply to this utter non-entity of a sequel, which stumbled right out of the gate by failing to secure Will Smith for a returning role, and additionally couldn't serve up a sliver of the charm or sheer cheeseball entertainment factor of its predecessor.

One has to wonder if the likes of Jeff Goldblum and Bill Pullman even remember shooting it, beyond the paycheck they received for reprising their roles from the iconic original.

It's about as empty and vacuous as Hollywood blockbusters get, and so it's little surprise that in the near-decade since it came out, there's been not a single "this movie was good, actually" think-piece. 

That would, of course, require remembering that it actually exists.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.