10 More Huge Movies That Were Instantly Forgotten

These movies evaporated into the ether in record time.

Men In Black International
Sony Pictures

There's one thing worse than a movie being poorly received - it can be forgotten within months, weeks, or even days of its release, because general audiences just don't have much interest in paying it any further attention.

While this utter indifference often results in a big blockbuster movie flopping, that's not always the case - sometimes a film can quickly recoup its costs but simply fail to make any long-lasting cultural impact, ensuring that beyond its commercial success, it may as well have not existed at all.

And so, as a sequel to our recent article on the very subject, here are 10 more massive movies that were instantly forgotten upon release.

From the most vacuous streaming blockbusters we all watched and instantly purged from memory, to genuinely great tentpoles which sadly faded from the conversation in record time, and a certain award-winning film which had its thunder stolen by the most unusual of circumstances, none of these movies have stood the test of time.

Regardless of their quality, each film categorically failed to strike an enduring chord with the masses, tumbling almost immediately into the cinematic nether...

10. Red Notice

Men In Black International

There's perhaps no other movie more emblematic of vapid, ephemeral streaming Content than Red Notice - Netflix's $200 million stab at a star-studded blockbuster, and one that almost immediately evaporated from memory following its November 2021 release.

Despite the inherent appeal of seeing Ryan Reynolds, Gal Gadot, and Dwayne Johnson team up for a globe-trotting action-comedy, Red Notice is probably one of the most generically uninspired four-quadrant tentpole movies ever made.

Perhaps most surprising of all? Reynolds, Gadot, and Johnson's chemistry feels off throughout - a fact admittedly less shocking given the recent revelation that Reynolds and Johnson clashed on set over the latter's tardiness.

Even though it still ranks as the single most watched Netflix Original in the streamer's history by a massive margin, can any of the 230 million people who watched it recall a single damn thing about the story, action sequences, or even the names of the three lead characters?

It's so devoid of even basic substance that it almost feels like a parody of what people imagine the most soulless direct-to-streaming movies to be. 

Given its viewership success, Netflix is eager to get rolling on two sequels intended to be shot back-to-back, though due to the intense schedules of Reynolds and Johnson in particular, they haven't gained much traction yet. And is anyone lamenting the ongoing wait? Not a damn soul.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.