10 More Huge Movies That Were Instantly Forgotten

9. The Adventures Of Tintin

Men In Black International
Sony Pictures

It's tough to accept the prospect of any huge Steven Spielberg movie not being remembered, but ask yourself - when was the last time you gave even a passing thought to 2011's The Adventures of Tintin?

This was a film with so many talented cooks in the kitchen - Spielberg directing, Peter Jackson producing, and the dream trio of Steven Moffat, Edgar Wright, and Joe Cornish writing the script - that it seemed primed to popularise Tintin with a whole new generation of young viewers.

And yet, despite yielding strong praise from critics and audiences alike, it simply failed to linger around in the public's headspace for long at all. 

One possible reason for this is, rather than animating images from the ground-up, Spielberg generated the visuals with the help of performance capture technology, which aside from Avatar hadn't quite managed to persuasively clear the uncanny valley at this point in time.

And so, much like most of Robert Zemeckis' forays into performance capture - especially The Polar Express - there's a slightly offputting, dead-eyed look to the characters that doesn't inspire regular rewatches.

Though Jackson was set to direct a sequel, the original's so-so box office performance and utter lack of cultural staying power likely combined to put it on the back burner forever more.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.