10 More Huge Movies That Were Instantly Forgotten


Men In Black International
Apple TV+

It's generally assumed that any movie which wins Best Picture at the Oscars has immediately been immortalised in cinema history and won't ever be forgotten by audiences at large.

But how often does anyone think about 2022's Best Picture winner, CODA?

You have to feel for Sian Heder's simple but affecting drama, which is centered around a child of deaf adults attempting to balance her own aspirations with the needs of her family.

It's a small movie with a big heart, and though warmly received by both critics and those audiences who bothered to watch it on Apple TV+, many considered it too sentimental and straight-forward to be a serious awards contender.

And so, its Oscar success marks one of the most shocking underdog victories in the ceremony's history, yet it was unfortunately overshadowed by the only thing anyone was talking about the next day - Will Smith slapping host Chris Rock earlier in the show.

Smith's impulsive act stole all the attention away from the night's winners, and so even when the CODA team took to the podium to accept the industry's biggest prize, The Slap was busy sucking all the oxygen out of the room.

Hollywood's deaf community lamented that Smith ended up taking attention away from CODA's groundbreaking win for representation, and in the two years since it nabbed the big award, its cultural imprint has basically been shrunk down to a thumbnail you'll maybe see while scrolling on Apple TV+.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.