10 More Incredible Movie Scenes Shot In A Single Take

3. The Shootout - John Wick: Chapter 4

John Wick: Chapter 4

As impressive as the action sequences are in the first three John Wick instalments, the fourth chapter blows them out of the water. The Tokyo fight is phenomenal. The nightclub brawl is action in its purist form. The staircase fall is... genuinely ridiculous.

And, of course, there's the final shootout. Armed with a shotgun with combustible shells - known as the Dragon's Breath - Mr. Wick charges through a Parisian apartment, blasting any mercenary who stand in his way.

To magnify the tension exponentially, a lot of the climax is portrayed in a top-view shot that goes uninterrupted for two minutes.

Even though viewers have a bird's-eye view of the explosive action, it's still hard to catch everything. After all, the scene involves dozens of actors, countless guns, hundreds of props, and stuntmen on fire frantically dashing around.

And if you think it's hard to process it all, imagine what it was like for the actors! Keanu Reeves had to memorise every performer's position (including the ones he couldn't see, since he has to shoot through walls to hit them).

Although CGI was utilised to accentuate the action, it doesn't dilute the staggering amount of work that was put into this eye-watering marvel.

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