10 More Insane Movie Theories That Actually Make Sense

3. They Are All Dead At The Beginning - Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs

There are many things you could say about Quentin Tarantino, one of which is that the man knows how to craft an exceptional scene around dialogue. One of his most iconic is the opening of Reservoir Dogs, in which the crew sit around and talk before the heist.

Or is it before the heist? There are a couple of things that feel a little off about the scene, and this theory offers the thought that the diner scene at the beginning of the movie doesn't come at the start of the heist, but afterward.

The director is no stranger to non-linear storytelling, and there are some clues that point to this scene taking place after the events of the movie. This assumes that Mr. Pink is killed after leaving warehouse, as the diner is where the group comes back together in the afterlife.

Taking into account the fact that Joe was so adamant about the men not sharing personal details with each other, not even their names, and that if they aren't talking about business they shouldn't be talking, it feels out of place that they are all laughing and joking before the job takes place. Particularly as Joe is right there with them. Afterward? No issues, Joe himself said they can all go to Hawaii after and joke around once the job is done. Swap Hawaii for Heaven and you might be on to something.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.