10 More Mismatched Movie Enemies

5. Hector Hammond vs. Green Lantern (Green Lantern)

hammond lantern

Superhero movies need to have a balanced scale when it comes to the hero vs. the villain. Often times it€™s hard to create a villain that€™s worthy of the hero or at least memorable. Just look at all of Iron Man€™s villains, none of them are worth bringing back for the second Avengers. That€™s why when there are good villains, the match is much more exciting to watch. On a physical level Batman can take the Joker down no problem, but the chase and anarchy the Joker holds over Batman is what makes him a worthy opponent and makes for a fun theater experience €“whether you€™re watching the 1989 Batman or The Dark Knight-. And then we have Hector Hammond. You know he€™s doomed to cinema obscurity when the actor playing him doesn€™t look more than 5 years younger than Tim Robbins who€™s supposed to be his father... Honestly, Hector€™s decent into villainy isn€™t horribly acted, it€™s the natural progression of a misunderstood scientist who gets his hands on something he cannot control and how it eventually drives him mad. But I€™m sorry, there is absolutely nothing threatening about the Green Lantern arriving to save his girlfriend to find that she is being held captive by telekinetic Stephen Hawkin. Even the actual Stephen Hawkin is more of a threat. Especially if he was telekinetic. Someone make that movie it€™ll be a lot better than Green Lantern.

Writer from day one, movie fanatic from day two, addicted to Coca-Cola from day three. I'm always up for discussions on anything regarding TV, movies, comics, video games, and what have you. Follow me on Twitter @RileyAnonymity or on Google+!