10 More Moments That Literally Stopped Horror Movies

2. Rachel Watches The Tape (And So Do We) - The Ring

The Ring Naomi Watts

Here's an especially fun and memorable one. In Gore Verbinski's surprisingly stellar remake of The Ring, protagonist Rachel (Naomi Watts) of course ends up watching the infamous cursed videotape, and to ensure maximal audience immersion, we too are forced to sit through it.

Rachel watches the tape - a haunting collage of surreal and unsettling visuals - which is presented to the audience as a near-uninterrupted 90-second montage of Creepy S**t, only cutting briefly to Rachel's horrified expressions, which will surely match the viewer's own.

Moments later Rachel's phone rings and she receives the terrifyingly iconic "seven days" message. Needless to say, if your own phone rang shortly after this scene, it sent shivers down your whole damn spine.

More than 20 years (!) later, it remains the most brilliantly unsettling part of the entire movie - a glorified short film that interrupts the movie proper and it's all the better for it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.