10 More Most Satisfying Horror Movie Reveals

4. The Curse Is Real - Ready or Not

Ready or Not
Fox Searchlight pictures

Ready or Not's explosively grisly finale delivered above and beyond expectations, that's for sure.

The film follows a new bride, Grace Le Domas (Samara Weaving), who ends up on the run from her hubby's murderous extended family as part of a historic ritual that has ensured the family's wealth for decades.

The family has until dawn to kill Grace, but if she can outlast them until then, the ritual will apparently come for all of them instead. So, when Grace indeed makes it to sun-up, the family braces for the worst... only for nothing to seemingly happen. 

No, they don't all suddenly drop dead, but after a lengthy beat, they do start exploding from the inside out into bloody, meaty mists.

Grace looks on in amusement as the members of the family perish one by one, each knowing the fate that's awaiting them and absolutely powerless to stop it - nothing if not a well-earned outcome for them. And boy, it's a blast to watch unfold.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.