10 More Most Satisfying Horror Movie Reveals

3. Moder - The Ritual

Ready or Not
Entertainment One

Monster reveals are make-or-break for just about any horror movie, and few in recent times have gotten it quite so unnervingly right as 2017's underappreciated The Ritual.

The film follows four friends whose hiking trip across Sweden goes horribly wrong when they take a shortcut through a forest. It's soon made clear that the group is being pursued by a creature of some sort, and a generic horror movie beastie this ain't.

The monster is eventually revealed to be the jötunn "Moder" - the god-like spawn of Loki which looks quite unlike anything horror fans have likely ever seen before. 

A decapitated human torso fused with the antlers of an elk and human arms for good measure, it's a truly inexplicable creature to behold, and one that does the rarest of things in horror - pays off all that build-up with a truly uniquely terrifying monster reveal.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.