10 More Most UNNERVING Shots In Horror Movies

6. The Tunnel Monsters - In The Mouth Of Madness

Invasion of the Body Snatchers
New Line Cinema

There is such an abundance of nightmare-fuel in John Carpenter's The Mouth of Madness, it's hard to know where to start. The tramp's double-pupil eyes. The moving painting. The tentacle woman. Honestly, this entire list could've been filled with snippets from this cult-classic, without covering half the content.

But there is one visual that rises to the top: the monsters in the tunnel. 

After protagonist John Trent (Sam Neill) enters a portal, he is stopped dead in his tracks upon seeing a throng of Lovecraftian beasts in the distance. Not wanting to be eaten alive, Trent sprints in the opposite direction, barely escaping with all his limbs intact.

This scene instills a deep sense of fear, despite the fact the monsters are barely visible. This scene is filmed with extreme close-ups and minimal lighting, so there isn't a single clear shot of what is actually chasing Trent.

Ironically, this decision makes these creatures more unnerving. Since In the Mouth of Madness explores metaphysics, dreamscapes, and the otherworldly, it's fitting how the scariest monster happens to be the least comprehensible.

For this reason, this scene stays with viewers, despite the fact they can't explain or describe what they saw.

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