10 More Most UNNERVING Shots In Horror Movies

5. The Pig - Saw III

Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Twisted Pictures

Even though each Saw film has an ample amount of squished skulls, dismembered limbs, and melted organs, Saw III's gore is top-tier. After watching the scenes involving the brain surgery sequence or the Rack trap, no one is expected to sleep for a week.

However, there's another moment that made the most hardcore horror fans gag. In this sequel, Jeff (Angus Macfayden) awakens to find himself an unwilling participant in one of Jigsaw's games. In this trial, Jeff has to decide whether to save people who were involved in the death of his son, Dylan.

After entering a dilapidated hall, Jeff encounters Halden; the judge who gave Dylan's murderer a lenient sentence. Although Halden is chained inside a large vat container, it isn't immediately clear what fate has in store for him. When a nearby meat-grinder turns on, it looks like Halden is to be shredded like Swiss cheese.

Sadly, the trap is much grosser than that. Looking above, Jeff sees a conveyor belt bringing in a slew of pig carcasses. As they drop into the grinder, Jeff realises Halden will drown in pig guts if he doesn't get a move on.

Even though Halden survives, it's tough not to feel queasy while watching this scene, purely because of that slow-motion shot of the first maggot-infested swine.

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