10 More Movie Answers Given YEARS Later

1. How Did John McClane Know Hans Gruber Was A Bad Guy? - Die Hard

Die Hard Hans Gruber Mystery
20th Century Fox

As far as action movie heroes go, there aren't many better than Bruce Willis' John McClane. He was brave, he never gave up, he saved the lives of scores of people, and based on one scene from Die Hard, you'd be forgiven for thinking he was psychic.

After terrorising Hans Gruber's group of terrorists from above, McClane actually came face to face with Alan Rickman's character, though since they had never seen each other, paired with Gruber's convincing American accent and cover story as Bill Clay, the cop from New York had no reason to suspect who he really was.

When John gave "Bill" a gun, the German identified himself as he tried to shoot the thorn in his side. However, it turns out that John knew exactly who Hans was and had given him an empty gun. But how did he know? There was no real indication given as to what exactly alerted McClane to the fact that he was being deceived.

The answer wasn't given until almost 30 years later, when screenwriter Steven E. de Souza confirmed in an interview that a key scene that would have explained everything was left on the cutting room floor. Basically, as John killed more and more of Gruber's men, he noticed that they all wore identical watches. When he saw that same watch on Hans' wrist, he knew he was a terrorist, though the context of this was lost in the movie's final cut.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.