10 More Movie Answers Given YEARS Later

2. How Do The Three Seashells Work? - Demolition Man

Die Hard Hans Gruber Mystery
Warner Bros.

Some unanswered questions can plague audiences for years because they have left a huge gap in the story or in logic, or because depending on the answer the film can be looked at from very different perspectives.

Other times the answers to these questions will have just about no impact on anything related to the narrative, but are just as sought after. There can be details that go completely unexplained, and sometimes it feels as though there simply can't be an answer that makes any sense.

Take for example the three seashells in Demolition Man. Does it affect the story that it's never explained how these have replaced toilet paper in the year 2032? Not in the slightest? Have audiences been dying for an answer since it released in 1993? Absolutely.

This was ultimately given by Sylvester Stallone himself in 2006, who explained the new system in the same way it was explained to him by the movie's writer. It's grim, but two of the shells are used like chopsticks to gently pull, while the third is used to scrape what's left. 

Maybe some questions are better left unanswered.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.