10 More Movie Heroes You Didn't Realise Probably Died Horrible Deaths
5. Doc Brown - Back To The Future
Hurray, Doc managed to build a time machine out of a train and steam - apparently because he can just change his fidelity to his own rules at the drop of the hat ("don't change the timeline, Marty, unless you could potentially score with a hot teacher") - and is off on many untold adventures into the past.
But Wait...
A terrorist never forgets, so there's no way he can return back to his own timeline since most terrorist cells consist of more than two guys in a VW van, and then you've got the fact that his alternative (which he unthinkably decides is the better option) is to travel backwards in time on board a flying train.
If you remember history - and you should - people in the past weren't ever particularly tolerant of magical things - and it seems unlikely that anyone in the Dark Ages would accept the arrival of a flying train and a family in strange futuristic clothing as flippantly as the 1950s lot do.
They'd be more likely to simply burn them all as witches and have done with it.