10 More Movie Heroes You Didn't Realise Probably Died Horrible Deaths
4. Beeks - Trading Places

In the climax of seminal comedy Trading Places, the central foursome board a train on New Year's Eve in order to stop secondary antagonist Beeks from getting his report to Philadelphia and ruining everything.
They almost fail, thanks to Beeks not being an idiot and uncovering their scheme before attempting to kill them, but are saved by a gorilla who is in the care of two of the most staggeringly underqualified handlers in the history of animal jobs. Beeks is trussed up and dressed as another gorilla, and the finale sees him shipped off to Africa as everyone falls about laughing at the idea of him having to live with a gorilla for the rest of his life.
But Wait...
What about Beeks? He's trapped in a cage with a randy, violent gorilla and is on his way to Africa, where he's presumably going to be released into the wild, as long as he's managed to survive the extended bouts of ravaging his cage-mate has no doubt inflicted on him for entertainment.
Ok, so he's not a hero, but Beeks goes through a hell of inconceivable proportions beyond the end of Trading Places, and it's very casually laughed off as if bestiality, rape and massive internal trauma are supposed to be chuckle-worthy.
And if he didn't die in unimaginable agony from his injuries, how exactly is he going to cope in the wild when another gorilla thinks he's a challenge to their territory?