10 More Movie Mistakes Directors Refused To Fix Because The Acting Was Too Good

4. Gymnastics Gone Wrong - Blade Runner

The Punisher Kevin Nash Thomas Jane
Warner Bros.

You ever mention something to someone and then live to regret it? That's what happened to Darryl Hannah when she mentioned to director Ridley Scott that she was a former gymnast.

This led to her performing her own stunts as Pris, an acrobatic replicant in the world of Blade Runner.

In a scene where Pris is being pursued by J. F. Sebastian, Hannah used her abilities to make the scene look more realistic. She overachieved on this, accidentally smashing elbow-first into a car window when she messed up a stunt.

This meeting of bone and glass did not end well for the organic side of the equation, as Hannah chipped her elbow in eight different places. Unfortunately for her, she was playing an unfeeling robot. Unfeeling robots don't get to cry when they hurt themselves.

Hannah valiantly carried on with the rest of the scene, no doubt in excruciating pain. The window break take was kept in the final cut, glass smashing sound effect and all.

Actually, we shouldn't say "final cut". There have been about 2,000 "final cuts" of Blade Runner, and there will probably be 2,000 more by the time this article comes out.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.