10 More Movie Mistakes Directors Refused To Fix Because The Acting Was Too Good

3. Fred Fenster Farts - The Usual Suspects

The Punisher Kevin Nash Thomas Jane
Gramercy Pictures

Look, you can pretend to enjoy the more sophisticated things in life as much as you want to, but there's no denying that farts are funny.

Nowhere is this better exemplified than in the famous line-up scene from 1995's The Usual Suspects.

The scene was supposed to be played straight, with each member of the row stepping forward and saying their lines in a conventional manner. However, when you get five actors with big personalities in a room together, they're bound to muck about.

The group kept making each other laugh, to the point where it was decided that the scene would be done with a comedic tinge. One of the reasons they kept laughing was Benicio del Toro's inability to hold in gas.

According to reports from the set, the Puerto Rican actor broke wind about a dozen times during various takes of the scene to varying degrees of hilarity from his co-stars. That's why when his character Fred Fenster steps forward to do his lines, the rest of the suspects start tittering.

Funny in hindsight, but just imagine how frustrating this much have been to the crew at the time.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.