10 More Movie Mistakes You Can’t Believe You Didn’t Spot

9. A Line Is Bizarrely Repeated - Whiplash

Cyborg 1989
Sony Pictures Classics

During one of the few moments when young jazz drummer Andrew Neiman didn't find himself being mercilessly bullied by his ruthless instructor, Terence Fletcher, the talented percussionist sat down for some dinner with his family in Damien Chazelle's Whiplash.

It's during that meal when Andrew lets them know that he's become the "new core drummer" in the Shaffer Conservatory Studio Band. But then something strange goes down that you won't believe you missed.

As Travis enters and the rest of the room swiftly turns their attention to the incoming American Football MVP, listen closely and you'll actually hear Andrew's words of "new core drummer" eerily being spoken again.

This seemingly isn't a case of someone else sitting around the table repeating those words back to the quickly ignored drummer either. That definitely sounds like Miles Teller once again delivering the line, a moment that feels even weirder when combined with the visual of Andy's mouth being very much closed here.

Either Andrew's inner monologue briefly became audible mid-scene or this was simply a mistake unintentionally left in the finished product when mixing a movie that actually took home the Oscar for Best Sound Mixing.


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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...